

Indonesia Temporarily Eases Quota Restrictions

Since the Indonesian government implemented the new Trade Regulation No. 36 on March 10, 2024, restrictions on quotas and technical licenses have resulted in over 26,000 containers being held up at the country’s major international ports. Among these, more than 17,000 containers are stranded at the Port of Jakarta, and over 9,000 at the Port of Surabaya. The goods in these containers include steel products, textiles, chemical products, electronic products, and more. 

Indonesia Temporarily Eases Quota Restrictions (1)

Therefore, on May 17, Indonesian President Joko Widodo personally supervised the situation, and on the same day, the Indonesian Ministry of Trade issued the new Trade Regulation No. 8 of 2024. This regulation removes quota restrictions for four categories of products: pharmaceuticals, health supplements, cosmetics, and household goods. These products now only require an LS inspection to be imported. Additionally, the requirement for technical licenses has been lifted for three types of goods: electronic products, footwear, and clothing accessories. This regulation took effect on May 17. 

The Indonesian government has requested that the affected companies with detained containers resubmit their applications for import permits. The government has also urged the Ministry of Trade to expedite the issuance of quota permits (PI) and the Ministry of Industry to speed up the issuance of technical licenses, ensuring the smooth continuation of import activities in the industry.

Indonesia Temporarily Eases Quota Restrictions (2)

Post time: May-28-2024